The MCE Ulster Grand Prix will proudly host a CIM conference on tourism marketing during 2017 bike week.
Tourism in Northern Ireland has grown substantially over the last five years. The past year has been particularly strong for tourism, with visitor spending reaching unprecedented levels and attracting record numbers of visitors from outside Northern Ireland.
During 2016 4.6 million overnight trips were taken in Northern Ireland by visitors and residents, staying for more than 15 million nights combined, generating over £850 million, an 11% increase on the previous year’s figures.
This equates to some £2.3 million spent by tourists every day; Statistics provided by Tourism NI/NISRA 2017.
With these fantastic figures, the industry is growing. Growth also means more competitors therefore each business involved in the industry sector is looking for more creative ways to market itself and stand out from the crowd.
This conference will hear from Tourism NI officials and three case studies from the Lisburn area, of which will be of particular interest to businesses in the tourism sector.
The agenda will include the following:
- Tourism NI – Setting the scene for tourism marketing; what campaigns we do, how we attract visitors; key insights and learnings
• Case Study one: How to attract visitors to my venue – indicative to large businesses
• Case Study two: How to attract visitors to my venue – indicative to small businesses
• Case Study three: How to use digital marketing to attract visitors to my businesses – indicative to small
restaurants or B&B’sThe event is kindly organised in partnership with Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council.
Registration and networking is from 07:30, the event starts at 08:00 and finishes at 09:30.
Please email for more details and to book.