Author name: Ulster Grand Prix

The Ulster Grand Prix; It Never Leaves You!

I’ve never raced in the Ulster Grand Prix. But I know a man who did. He loved it. It was almost 30 years ago. He remembers it like it was today. He feels it like he is still there. The memories still clear in his mind. The emotions still vibrant in his heart. I ask him how it felt, and instantly he’s back there, sitting on the grid, full of nerves, waiting for the flag to drop, eager to get going.

UGP: The Fastest Road Race In The World

Road racing is a sport like no other; it’s exciting, enthralling, entertaining. The speeds reached by riders, in conjunction with how close spectators can get to the action, all combine to create the very special experience that is Road Racing. When you consider that The Ulster Grand Prix is billed as “The World’s Fastest Road Race”, then you can begin to imagine just how much more a unique experience it is.  …

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